When I look back the 1980s, when I was young, was a very good old time. Economy is getting stronger, and the whole of Japan was fine and powerful.
In the 1980s, I was all about UK/US music, and I rarely listened to Japanese music. But when I listen to Japanese music now in my mid-50s, I realized that there were quite good songs and bands.
Below are the singers and bands that I currently like and listen to.
1. 松田聖子(Seiko Matsuda)
彼女のデビューは1980年です。 若いころは見向きもしなかったのですが、楽曲としていいものが多くあることに最近気づき、ベスト盤を購入しました。 あの「聖子ちゃんカット」は流行りましたね。
Her debut is in 1980. I was not interested in her at all when I was young, but recently I realized that there are many of her good songs, so I bought the best compilation album. That “Seiko-chan cut” (her characteristic hairstyle) was so popular at that time.

2. PSY.S (サイズ)
1985年にデビューした、ニューウェイブ系の松浦雅也、安則まみ(=CHAKA) の2人組のバンドです。
当時最先端の電子楽器だったフェアライトCMIを使い、90年代のJ-POPを思わせる先進的な音楽を作っていました。 なにより、CHAKAの伸びがあり高音をものともしないパワフルなボーカルが白眉です。
PSY.S (saiz) is a new-wave duo band of Masaya Matsuura and Mami Yasunori (=CHAKA) who debuted in 1985.
They created advanced music reminiscent of 90’s J-POP, using Fairlight CMI which was the most advanced electronic musical instrument at the time. Above all, I was impressed with CHAKA’s powerful vocals with high-tones.

1983年結成のバンドです。 80年代当時、「Sony Music TV」という夜の11時半から翌朝3時までのミュージックビデオ番組があり、彼らの曲がオープニングとエンディングで使われていました。
オープニングは「Zean Zean」、エンディングは「水の都」でした。「水の都」は番組の終わる朝3時に相応しい少し気だるさのある曲で、この曲が結構気に入って探したのですが、正式録音になっていなかったようです。その代わり、ほぼ同じ曲調で「Soul Flight」が出ています。
80年代にしては先進的すぎた、ともいわれています。 天才といわれるメンバーの集団であったがゆえに独自路線が出始め、1989年に活動を凍結しました。
A band formed in 1983. In the 1980s, there was a music video program called “Sony Music TV” from 11:30 pm to 3:00 am the next morning, and their songs were used in the opening and ending.
The opening was “Zean Zean” and the ending was “City of Water”. “City of Water” is a slightly dull song suitable for 3 am at the end of the program, and I liked this song quite a bit and searched for it, but it was found that the song was not officially recorded. Instead, “Soul Flight” is released with almost the same tone.
It is said that their music was too advanced for the 1980s. PINK was a group of members who are said to be geniuses, later each member of the band began to go different ways, and their activities were frozen in 1989.

Sony Music TVのEndingです。(YouTubeより)
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