今回は、前回のNew Era Capに次いでMLBネタです。
今年2019年のワールドシリーズは、ワシントン・ナショナルズがヒューストン・アストロズを下して初優勝しました。 ただし視聴者数は過去3番目に低かったそうです。 俗にいうエクスパンションチーム同士の対戦なので、ヤンキースやドジャースのような伝統球団が出ないシリーズは正統派(?)のファンにとっては興味を失うものだったのかも知れません。(アストロズは1962年、ナショナルズ=前身のモントリオール・エクスポズは1969年の創設です)
私は1990年代にキラーBs(バグウェル、ビジオ、ベル)が居たころからアストロズは好きで、今回も応援していましたが、残念ながら負けてしまいました。 しかし2017年に優勝していますし、ナショナルズは創設51年目での初優勝なので、これはこれでよかったと思います。
This topic is about MLB, following previous topic of MLB New Era caps.
This year, Washington Nationals won the World Series, beating Houston Astros, for the first time of its franchise history. But it is said that viewer rating was the third worst one. Both teams are expansion teams, so it is supposed that traditional fans who like Yankees or Dodgers lost their interest on this series. (Astros was established in 1962, Nationals = former Montreal Expos was established in 1969.)
Yankees has been away from World Series since 2009, when Hideki Matsui won MVP.
I like Astros since 1990s – when Killer Bees were in the team (Bagwell, Biggio and Bell), and cheering them this time – but unfortunately they could not win the series. But was good that Nationals won the series for the first time, and Astros got first winning of the series in 2017.
It is hard to believe that these teams got so strong. Nationals, when it was Expos, was so weak and number of audience in the stadium was so less.
This series had interesting topics – home team lost all of home games, Nationals’ victory and defeat was 19-31 at 50th game of this season, Nationals has become 14th team who won the series at first participation to the series, president Trump was booed very much in the stadium.

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