昼食は、森戸海岸のすぐそばにある「Double Sandwich」へお邪魔しました。
The weather was nice yesterday, I went to Morito Beach in Hayama to have lunch.
There was a Hayama Starbucks on the way, but unfortunately it seems to have closed at the end of October. I sometimes visited there to feel summer atmosphere… I feel a pity.
For lunch, I went to “Double Sandwich”, which is located near Morito Beach.

Ginkgo trees at the Akashi Bridge intersection in Junisho on the way to Kamakura from Asahina. It was well colored in yellow.

It is adjacent to a restaurant called Esmeralda. It has a nice southern European style atmosphere.

On the terrace. Ham lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado sandwiches.

Morito Daimyojin, located right next to the beach. The shrine was founded by Minamoto Yoritomo, and is said to be beneficial for safe delivery and fertility.
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