途中、東京駅で下車して駅全体を見渡してきました。 東京駅は2012年に5年半をかけて1914年開業当時の姿に改装されたのですが、たまに電車で通り過ぎることはあっても駅舎を外から見たことは実はこれまでありませんでした。
I went to Kanda Jimbo-cho, Tokyo to look for some old books.
On the way there, I got off the train at Tokyo Station to take a look at the entire scene of station building. Tokyo station was renovated to its structure back in 1914 when it opened, spending construction period of over 5 years. Honestly I have not ever seen the entire building from outside of the station.
About 30 years ago and 20 years ago, I used to work at Marunouchi area near the station for a year respectively. The scene of the station and adjacent area had changed so drastically… I felt long years have already passed.

Seeing Marunouchi Central Exit.

Marunouchi North Exit. It is so majestic!

This is the station opened in 1914.

The station had triangular roof before renovation.

Meter which indicates date/time to the opening ceremony of Tokyo Olympic games.

There is an area of grove in the middle of office building area.
まず、スポーツ関連の古本を多数おいてあるBIBLIOさんへ行きました。 ここではニューヨーク・ヤンキース創立100周年記念誌を購入しました。
I took a walk from from Tokyo Station to Kanda Jimbo-cho as its distance is only 2 kilometers.
I dropped in BIBLIO bookstore where there are many sports-related old books. I bought New York Yankees’ commemorative centennial book.

Small store, but there are a lot of old sports books like baseball club history of high school which is not famous. Interesting.

Yankees Commemorative Centennial Yearbook.
次に、スズラン通り沿いにあるマグニフさんへ行きました。 この店舗は雑誌にも多く取り上げられています。
男性ファッション誌ですと、POPEYE、HOT-DOG PRESS、MEN’S CLUB、FREE&EASY等があります。 私の生年月のMEN’S CLUBもありましたが、今回は購入を見送りました。
Leaving BIBLIO, I went to Magnif bookstore located along Suzuran (Lily of the valley) street. Magnif is famous for its storage of old fashion magazines. There are many magazines such as LIFE, POPEYE, HOT-DOG PRESS、MEN’S CLUB、FREE&EASY etc.
I found MEN’S CLUB published in the year and month when I was born, but this time I did not buy it. I bought the following 2 books – The historical atlas of New York and Take Ivy (1985) .

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