逗子スターバックスから、通常は134号線を南下しますが、今日は217号線(三浦半島中央道路)で湘南国際村を抜けて佐島を通るコースです。 また、海上自衛隊武山駐屯地を南下せずに26号線へ入って武上宮田線(214号線)を走り、三浦海岸へ出るコースでした。
I had planned to go to Lake Yamanakako or Atami today, but I woke up a little late and heard that the Tomei Expressway was jammed up due to an accident and the Atami area was also jammed up, so I decided to go for a quick ride around the Miura Peninsula.
From Zushi Starbucks, I usually drive south on Route 134, but today I took Route 217 (Miura Peninsula Chuo Road) through Shonan Kokusai-mura and then through Sajima. Instead of going south to Takeyama Station, the Maritime Self-Defense Force, I took Route 26 to the Takegami-Miyata Line (Route 214), which leads to the Miura coast.

三浦海岸に出た後、昼食を取ろうと前から行こうと思っていたBlue Moonへ来ました。 車一台分空いてはいたのですが、そこに堂々とバイクを停めるほど図太くない私は今回は諦めました。
After going out to the Miura coast, I came to Blue Moon, where I had been planning to go for lunch for some time. A carload of space was available, but I was not bold enough to park my bike there, so I gave up this time.

実は今日、2回目の立ちごけしました。。 湘南国際村でバイクを停めたとき、道が少し傾斜していたのですが、ギアを入れずに停めてしまいバイクが動いて倒れてしまいました。 ダメージはほぼないですが、やはりショックですよね。。。
In fact, today, I had second fall-down of my motorcycle. When I tried to park my motorcycle at Shonan International Village, the road was on a slight incline, but I parked without putting it in gear and the motorcycle moved and fell over. My motorcycle did not get particular physical damage, but it’s shocking…
So I decided to have my motorcycle checked at Honda Dream Kamiooka on my way home.

横浜横須賀道路の佐原インターから別所インターまで一気に走り、別所インターからさほど遠くないところにホンダドリーム上大岡があります。 バイクはここで買いました。 見てもらったところ、ペダル曲がり等はないとのことで一安心です。
Driving Yokohama-Yokosuka highway from the Sawara interchange to the Bessho interchange, and not far from the Bessho interchange I can reach the Honda Dream Kamiooka. I bought my motorcycle here. When I had it checked, I was relieved that there was no damage like pedal bend, etc.
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