リアルマッコイズは2001年に手形詐取により一度倒産し、現在は神戸のナイロンに引き継がれています。 倒産前のマッコイズは、製品一つ製作するのに生地、縫製糸、ボタン類に至るまで徹底的に復刻を行い、あげくはその品質を確認するために実際に製品を着用したパイロットを複葉機に乗せるといった、大変コストのかかるモノづくりをしていました。そのため、製品は大変高価なものになっていました。(現在でもかなり高価です。。)
This A-2 jacket is the RWA-96 (1996) that used to be sold in the mid 90’s, at the peak time of production by the former Real McCoys.
Real McCoy’s bankruptcy occurred in 2001 due to bill fraud, and it is now taken over by Nylon in Kobe. Before bankruptcy, McCoys thoroughly reproduces the fabric, sewing thread, buttons, etc. to produce their product. McCoys had the pilot wear their product and ride biplane to check the quality of their products. Their products were so expensive as they spent high cost due to their way of reproduction. (Even today their products are still quite expensive.)
Compared with the current McCoys A-2, the leather quality is different. The current A-2 has thin leather, but this A-2 leather is solid and thick.
I bought this A-2 in 1996, almost a quarter century ago. I haven’t had the chance to wear it over the past few years due to changes in my body shape, but I saved money little by little to buy this jacket. I have no intention of letting go.
McCoys products are certainly expensive, but they are a must-have brand for me.

I remember it was said that the RWA was A-2 to which McCoys essence was added, to built the best A-2, based on Rough Wear Clothing Co., a major contractor during the WW2.

Size of this jacket is 46. Current sizing of McCoys A-2 do not have 46.

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