バズリクソンズのオリジナルスペックチノパンにオリーブ色が新しく追加されたと聞いて、元町のJunky Classicsへ出向きました。
カーキ、ベージュに次ぐ3色目です。 オリーブ色のパンツは案外使い勝手がいいので職場でもよく穿きますが、日ごろ愛用しているバズリクソンズから出たとあって、速攻で買いに行きました。
バズリクソンズは、ネイビー、グレーをラインアップする予定はないとのことです。 カジュアルウエアが許される職場なら、仕事で穿けるので需要はありそうだと思うのですがね。
Having heard that Buzz Rickson’s released olive color of original spec chino pants, I went to Junky Classics in Motomachi to buy it.
This is the third color after khaki and beige. I often wear olive pants at work because they are unexpectedly easy to use, but when I heard that Buzz Rickson’s, a trusted brand, had released them, I immediately went to buy them.
Incidentally, Junky used to sell navy and gray original spec chino pants in special order from Buzz Rickson’s. However, since they were special order items, the quantity was limited. (I bought both colors for wearing in my workplace.) Buzz Rickson’s has no plans to add navy and gray to their regular lineup.

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