Chris Standringの新譜「Real Life」が先月リリースされました。
彼は、Paul Brownと共に現在のイギリスを代表するジャズギタープレイヤーです。
このアルバムを聴いた感想は、これはもうカッコいい!です。 このアルバムはおすすめですね。
「Sunlight」に収録されている「Love Street」もそうでしたが、彼はアルバムリリースの前に(あえて)メイン曲をYou Tubeに公開します。今回は、「Is There A Doctor In The House?」が先行して公開されました。
Chris Standring’s new album “Real Life” was released last month.
He is one of the British jazz guitar players who are currently hot, like with Paul Brown.
His albums have been released every year recently, but that which was released last year was a remixed version of the existing tunes. This album is the first original album in 2 years since “Sunlight” in 2018.
My impression of this album is just one word, “It’s cool!” I strongly recommend this album.
He (daringly) uploads main tune of the album on YouTube before the album is released. This time, “Is There A Doctor In The House?” was released in advance. He uploaded “Love Street” from his album “Sunlight” back in 2018.

2018年の「Sunlight」のリリース前にYou Tubeで公開された「Love Street」です。
“Love Street” on YouTube, from his album Sunlight before it was released.
His famous tunes played with other jazz players are the followings.
– Category A / Cindy Bradley
– Piccadilly Circus / Paul Brown
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