私が最初に聴いたのは有名な「Dancing Queen」で、美しいハーモニーと曲の完成度に一種の衝撃を受けました。
当時は小学生で、「アバというグループがすごくいい歌を歌ってる!」と友人に訴えても、、、皆ピンクレディーに夢中なものですから、一顧だにされませんでした。 なので、こと音楽の趣味については私と話が合う友人はほぼいませんでしたね。
それと、News Gothic Bold体で書かれたこのABBAの文字がデザイン的に大変気に入りました。
画像は、2008年11月に発売されたThe AlbumsというBox Setです。現在でも購入できます。
8枚のオリジナルアルバムと、アルバム未収録曲を集めたBonus Track盤が1枚の計9枚の構成です。
ABBA – no explanation may be needed for this super band from Sweden, who swept the 70s.
The song that I listened to for the first time was the famous “Dancing Queen”, which had a kind of impact on the beautiful harmony and the perfection of the song.
At that time, even though I was an elementary school student and appealed to my friend, “ABBA is singing a very good song!”, They were all obsessed with Japanese super male idol of 70s named “Pink Lady”, so they did not listen to me at all. So, there were almost no friends who talked with me about the hobby of music.
Also, I loved this ABBA character written in News Gothic Bold.
Although ABBA was welcomed at the time of its debut, it seems that it became less common by American and British people of music industry as the hit songs overlapped. It seems to be because they hated that ABBA from rural area of Sweden gets more popular than Beatles or Rolling stones.
The image is a Box Set called “The Albums” released in November 2008. It is still available in Amazon.
It consists of 9 albums. 8 original albums and 1 album of bonus tracks that are not included in original albums.
Of course, when I was an elementary school student, I couldn’t buy records, so I was happy to be able to buy a full set of CDs I liked at that time after nearly 30 years.

一番好きだったオリジナルアルバムは、「Super Trouper(1980年)」です。
My favorite original album was “Super Trouper” released in 1980.
At that time, the band was not in good condition (dissolution was getting started) and was released in that state, so I felt lonely and sentimental though there was some uptempo music.

この9枚から、Greatest Hits 24 (日本企画盤、1977年)とGreatest Hits Vol.2(1979年)をiTunesで作成しようと思います。
From these nine CDs, I am going to create Greatest Hits 24 (Japan Planning Edition, 1977) and Greatest Hits Vol.2 (1979) on iTunes.
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