横浜の夜景(Yokohama Night View)

日常のこと (Events On Ordinary Days)

ネタが不足気味だったので、半年以上このブログを更新せずにいました。 これからちょっと頑張って投稿しようと思います。
いつもは昼間にバイクで走りにいったついでに写真を撮りますが、最近夜に写真を撮る機会があったので投稿します。 夜のみなとみらい~山下公園になります。やはり絵になりますね。

I haven’t updated this blog for more than half a year because I was feeling a bit short of materials to post here. I’m going to try my best to post something from now on.
I usually take pictures during the day when I go for a ride on my motorcycle, but recently I had a chance to take some pictures at night, so I’m posting them here. This is Minatomirai – Yamashita Park at night. It’s still very picturesque.

This is the direction of Minato Mirai from Bankoku Bridge. Bankoku Bridge is a spot where you can get a panoramic view of Minato Mirai.
Red Brick Warehouse (No. 2). The Red Brick Warehouse was established in 1911, and was used as a bonded warehouse until 1989. Then it was abandoned for a while. In 2002, it was renovated to an exhibition, cultural, and commercial facility. And the surrounding miscellaneous warehouses were removed to make way for the Red Brick Park. It is now one of Yokohama’s most popular tourist facilities.
Minato Mirai as seen from Red Brick Park
Marine and Walk Yokohamaです。2016年にオープンした、横浜赤レンガ倉庫に隣接する、横浜みなとみらい・新港エリアの新たなシンボルですね。 ここにはバイク用品のクシタニパフォーマンスストアがあるので、私もたまに行きます。
Marine and Walk Yokohama is a new symbol of the Minato Mirai and Shinko area of Yokohama, adjacent to the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, which opened in 2016.
There is a Kushitani Performance Store (Motorcycle goods store) here, which I sometimes go to as well.
横浜ハンマーヘッドに入っているインターコンチネンタル横浜Pier 8が運営しているホテル専用クルーズ船「ル・グラン・ブルー」です。 大観覧車や日本丸、赤レンガ倉庫、大さん橋、みなとみらいの運河など、有名スポットを中心に遊覧します。
Le Grand Bleu is a hotel cruise ship operated by InterContinental Yokohama Pier 8, which is located in Yokohama Hammerhead. The cruise will take you around famous spots such as the Giant Ferris Wheel, the Nippon Maru, the Red Brick Warehouse, the Osanbashi Bridge, and the Minatomirai Canal.
山下公園からみたホテルニューグランドです。山下公園近辺には、ザ・ホテル横浜(のちにモントレ)、バンドホテル、スターホテルといった由緒あるホテルがありましたが、みなとみらい地区の発展に伴い続々と廃業となりました。 今は、昔からあるホテルはこのホテルニューグランドくらいになってしまいました。
This is the Hotel New Grand as seen from Yamashita Park. The Hotel Yokohama (later known as Hotel Monterey), the Bund Hotel, and the Star Hotel were all located near Yamashita Park, but they were closed one after another as the Minato Mirai area developed. Now, the Hotel New Grand is the only hotel that has been around for a long time.
The Grand Pier as seen from Yamashita Park.
氷川丸です。 テレビドラマの撮影にもよく使われています。
This is the Hikawa Maru. It is often used for filming TV dramas.

コメント 色々ご意見お待ちしています! (Your comment is always highly appreciated.)
