50を越えてから普通、大型と二輪免許を立て続けに取得しました。 取得方法や奮闘記といった類は数多ある他のブログに譲るとしますが、やはり一つだけ言えるのは、大型二輪免許取得に年齢はさほど関係しない、ということでしょう。 私も教習所を落ち無しで卒業できました。
私も1年前は50㏄カブに喜んで乗っていたクチです。 しかし、色々制限の多い原付から卒業したい+まずはカブ110に乗りたいと思ったので、昨年10月に普通二輪免許を取りました。


フレームは当時、Pflueger Hondaという現地のホンダ車ディーラーで頂いたものです。(現在はPacific Hondaに名前が変わっています。)
After exceeding age of 50, I got licenses of middle-class and large motorcycle. Please read many other blogs which states how such aged guys struggled with getting their license, but let me emphasize that age is not a big concern to get a large motorcycle license. I myself got out of driving school without failing exams.
If you are thinking of getting a motorcycle license from now on, if you want to ride, don’t hesitate to go to the driving school.
It was enough for me to ride 50cc Super Cub a year ago. However, I wanted to get out of many restrictions + I wanted to ride the Cub 110, so I took a middle-class motorcycle license in October last year.
I enrolled in the driving school in early July, it took more than 3 months to get out of there. More than half of this 3 months was just waiting for reservations, because it overlapped with the student’s summer vacation.
As soon as I got a middle-class motorcycle license, I replaced my 50cc Super Cub with the CubPro 110, so I cleared the original goal, but I still wanted to get a large motorcycle license, and enrolled again in the same driving school at the end of last year. Eventually I got a license in February this year. (If you don’t have a large license, you won’t be able to ride the bike you wanted to ride right away.)
The tutor of the school said, “You will feel you want to get big motorcycle license, feeling dissatisfied with middle-class license.” What he said was true!
Now I have CubPro 110 and CB1100.
I think that I will have a lot of opportunities to talk with my colleagues in the company that I work for, whom I have never talked much before, about motorcycles. They are so skilled, so I wonder when I can catch up with them….
コメント 色々ご意見お待ちしています! (Your comment is always highly appreciated.)