I was going to ride my CB1100 on May 2, but it was a holiday weekend and it was crowded here and there, and the wind was so strong that it was a little scary to ride a motorcycle at high speed, so I decided to ride my Cub.

The sea was raging with strong winds.
今回お邪魔したのはLinca Betteiというイタリアンレストランです。11:30の開店ですが既に多数の予約客の方が並んでいました。やはり人気店ですね。
This time, we visited an Italian restaurant called Linca Bettei, which opened at 11:30 a.m. There were already many people lined up for reservations. It’s a popular restaurant.

Sausages and vegetables from Kamakura

Pepperoncino with whitebait. The texture is chunky and goes well with whitebait on top. This might be addictive…
Linca Betteiからほど近い場所に、小坪海浜公園があります。逗子マリーナに隣接していて、南国の雰囲気たっぷりです。
Not far from Linca Bettei is the Kotsubo Seaside Park. It is adjacent to the Zushi Marina and has a tropical atmosphere.

After leaving Kotsubo Seaside Park, I came to Honmoku. It was a little late and I was a little hungry, so I had a hamburger at Moon Cafe.

A total of five old American cars are lined up in front of the Cafe and in front of Mooneyes.

There is the Mooneyes mechanic area.behind the Cafe.
ムーンカフェは、言わずと知れた横浜の有名店です。 カーグッズを取り扱っているムーンアイズに併設されています。
Moon Cafe is a famous restaurant in Yokohama, Japan. It is attached to Mooneyes, which deals in car goods. It was often used as a location for movies.
Honmoku used to be a U.S. military settlement and was one of the first areas to adopt Western culture such as jazz.
Honmoku was booming in the late 1980s with the construction of Mycal Honmoku (shopping center), but it quickly became deserted as the subway was not extended and the Minato Mirai area became the main tourist attraction.
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