This is the first riding on CB1100 of this year. A month has passed since I took ride last year, Dec 31.
I could not have enough time, so I went to Mabori Kaigan straight and had lunch at Kannon-zaki.

Kannon-zaki Lighthouse.

I could see Minato Mirai area in the distance.

Lunch at Yume-Dream rest house.

I could see Futtsu city in the near distance.
夢Dream食堂の位置です。 古びた昭和の建物といった趣ですが、魚がおいしかったです。
Location of Yume Dream rest house. Old fashioned architecture in Showa era… but the fish was fresh and delicious.

At Mabori Kaigan road.

There is an area called “Chiba-Fornia (word playing with California) which is Instagenic in Chiba prefecture, near Tokyo Aqua Line. It is a road with a line of palm trees. Mabori Kaigan is good to take photos too.

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