今日の買い物(Today’s shopping)

日常のこと (Events On Ordinary Days)

Here are my two purchases for today.

1.エシレ・パティスリー オ ブール(Echile Patisserie Au Beurre)

I heard that Essire from France opened a store in Yokohama Takashimaya Department store in March, so I paid it a quick visit. The Essilé butter used for these pastries is made after lactic acid fermentation of cream. It has a slightly sour and very mild taste.
This time, I bought an almond-flavored gateau called Financier Essire, and a butter / pistachio sable sandwich. The price is a bit high, but I am satisfied with the taste.

2.黒ごまアーモンドきな粉 (Black sesame, almond and roasted soybean flour (called as Kinako) powder)

黒ゴマ: 美肌・美髪、便秘解消、ダイエット効果、コレステロールを溶かす効果
アーモンド: 美肌・美髪、貧血対策、便秘解消、腸内環境を整える効果、血液サラサラ効果
きな粉: 美肌、便秘解消、ダイエット効果
This product combines black sesame, almond, and soybean flour, which are said to be good for beauty and health, into one. It is said to have the following effects
– Black sesame: Beautiful skin and hair, constipation relief, dieting effect, cholesterol dissolving effect
– Almonds: Beautiful skin, beautiful hair, anemia prevention, constipation relief, intestinal environment regulation, blood thinning effect
– Kinako (soybean flour): Beautiful skin, relieves constipation, and helps with weight loss
For a man in age of 50s like me, I do not expect anything to have beautiful skin and hair from consuming food, but I’m going to try to look forward to some of the other effects.
Now I eat this with yogurt and oligosaccharide.

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