-10°C~10°C対応の、いわゆるインターミディエイトゾーン用の羊革ジャケットであったB-6の後継となります。 ライニングにアルパカウールを採用した事で羊革に匹敵する保温性が確保されました。
This is B-10 flight jacket with cotton shell and alpaca lining, made by Real McCoy’s.
Many enthusiasts have posted blog posts about flight jackets, so I will briefly describe its history here.
At the end of World War II, horsehide leather and sheepskin, which had been used as flight jacket materials until then, were almost exhausted. So in 1943, the first cotton shell + alpaca lining B-10 was adopted for the first time. (It is said that some pilots complained that moving physically was not smooth with a sheep leather jacket.)
It is the successor to B-6, which was a sheepskin jacket for the so-called intermediate zone, which supports -10°C to 10°C. By adopting alpaca wool for the lining, heat retention comparable to sheep leather was secured.
However, this jacket was used for only a year, after which it will be transferred to B-15.
Alpaca lining is made by piling alpaca hair, so it was possible to produce it without killing livestock, so it was also used for B-15 and N-1 of the Navy.

For those who are not interested in Flight Jackets, this jacket is just that used at construction site…

Alpaca lining and beaver ram collar.

Label shows Stagg Coat Co. which was in contract to manufacture this jacket.

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