9/25~9/28に、社内会議のため韓国の水原 (Suwon)へ出向きました。
韓国出張は2回目で、前回は盆唐(Bundang) でしたが、今回はSuwonにあるRamada Plaza Hotelの会議室を借りて行われました。
No AbeやBoycott Japanとやっているのは、ソウル、プサンなどの大都市だけなのかもしれません。
Starbucks Coffeeと、Paris Baguette(ベーカリー)だけが 英語表記になってました。
From 9/25 to 9/28, I went to Suwon in Korea for an internal meeting.
This was my second trip to Korea, last time it was in Bundang. This time, the meeting was held at the conference room rented from Ramada Plaza Hotel Suwon.
Since the relationship between Japan and Korea has become worth, I was somewhat prepared in my mind, but there was no problem at all.
On the day of arrival, I went out for dinner in a group of Japanese colleagues, but we could spend out good time without any unpleasant feelings.
‘No Abe (Japanese prime minister)’ or ‘Boycott Japan’ may have taken place only in big cities like Seoul and Busan.
As with Bundang, almost all of signboards in the town are shown only in Korean language (Hangul), and almost no English notation.
So, I could not get to know what kind of stores are in front of me and I had to distinguish it by smell and atmosphere.
Signboards of only Starbucks Coffee and Paris Baguette were shown in English.
Moreover, English was not useful in the town. . .

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