ほぼ20年ぶりにアロハシャツを購入しました。 購入したのは、横浜みなとみらいのワールドポータース内にある「マウナケア・ギャラリーズ」です。
初めてアロハシャツを購入したのはこの店舗でした。1999年の開店以来、これまでずっとここで営業しています。 20年ほど前にアロハシャツにちょっと凝った時期があり、ここで数枚購入しました。
I bought a Hawaiian shirt for the first time in almost 20 years. I bought it at “Mauna Kea Galleries” in the World Porters in Minato Mirai, Yokohama.
I bought my first Hawaiian shirt at this store, which has been in business ever since it opened in 1999. There was a time about 20 years ago when I was a bit obsessed with Hawaiian shirts, and I bought a few here at that time.

他のメーカーが作るアロハシャツも、昔に比べてだいぶ質が上がってきたように思います。 私はヴィンテージレプリカウエアが好きなので、かつての名品を復刻するサンサーフが私のベストチョイスです。
I think the quality of Hawaiian shirts made by other manufacturers has improved a lot compared to the past. I like vintage replica wear, so Sun Surf is my best choice for reprinting former masterpieces.
For example, Reyn Spooner is a brand that has been around for a long time, but their cotton fabric backing and button-down type shirts are not to my taste. I believe that Hawaiian shirts must be the open-collared type with rayon fabric. Plastic buttons are out of the question.
I think aloha shirts look great when I ride my Super Cub. This summer, I’ll be wearing Hawaiian shirt when I ride my Super Cub.
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