私はシンプルに徹したものが好きです。 好みは人それぞれですが、デザインがドーンと入ったものは私は恥ずかしさが先に立って着ることができません。
What motorcycle jacket do you wear when you ride motorcycle? I love jackets with simple design. Everyone has their own preference of jackets. But jackets with showy design make me embarrassed and I cannot wear them at all….

んー、やはりこれらのジャケットは私には無理です。大型免許をとって2年足らずで技量もあまりなく、おとなしく走っているので、これらのジャケットで自己主張できません。 そもそも好みに合いませんね。。。 好きな人はたまらなく好きだとは思いますが。
Ummm… it is hard for me to wear these kinds of jackets. It is only 2 years after I got big motorcycle license and my riding skill is not enough, so I cannot express myself with these jackets and these are not my preference. But I think that these jackets are loved by a lot of motorcycle riders.
So I wear the following jackets. They do not have showy design but good jackets equipped with protectors properly.

The other day, I bought vest-type protectors. So I can wear military jackets like M-422A, B-10, D-1 and N-1.
コメント 色々ご意見お待ちしています! (Your comment is always highly appreciated.)