Honda Vezel (USではHR-V)が私の愛車です。(結構汚くなってますが、、、)
I’ve talked about motorcycles several times on this blog, but not about cars.
Honda Vezel (aka HR-V in the US) is my car. (It’s pretty dirty on the photos…)
Vezel is not too big, not too small and it is easy to handle.
In the past, I ran 140km a day by commuting, but the distance has not increased since I changed to train commuting.

Until I bought Vezel, I owned new 2 Honda cars – Odyssey (1995-2008) and Stream (2008-2015).

結局、バイクもクルマもホンダです。 やはり、創業者である本田宗一郎氏のものつくりへの姿勢に惹かれることと、80年代のホンダが元気だったころを知っているので、クルマ購入時にはどうしてもホンダになります。(色々注文つけたいところはありますが。。)
My vehicles – motorcycles and the car are Honda made. I was attracted by the founder Soichiro Honda’s attitude to making vehicles and I know the time when Honda in the 1980s was fine. (although I have some small sort of technical dissatisfaction.)
Honda’s light-weight cars are popular these years, but I would like to see more new unconventional models as before.
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