3連休が雨になるとのことだったので、 今日のうちにと先日購入したelfシューズの履き心地のチェックも兼ねて 茅ヶ崎・葉山へCB1100でちらっと走りにいってきました。
昼食は、サザンビーチちがさきの近くのRiki Riki Deliでハワイ風のランチプレートを頂きました。
サザンビーチちがさきは、1999年にそれまでの「茅ヶ崎海水浴場」から名前を変更したところ海水浴客が激増したらしいです。 名前一つでイメージががらりと変わるんですねぇ。
I took a day-off today.
As rainfall was expected for 3 consecutive holidays, I went to Chigasaki and Hayama for a short run with CB1100 also to check the comfort of the elf shoes I purchased the other day.
Actually I thought I would go to Odawara, but traffic of route 134 heading west was so heavy and I turned back at the end of Southern Beach.
I had a Hawaiian lunch plate at Riki Riki Deli near Southern Beach Chigasaki.
Southern Beach Chigasaki changed its name from the previous Chigasaki Beach in 1999, and it seems that the number of bathers has increased dramatically. The image changes dramatically with a single name.

Route 134 heading east from Chigasaki to Hayama was not busy at all, I comfortably ran.


途中、スターバックスがあったので寄ってみました。 すぐ近くにビーカープリンでおなじみのMarloweのカフェがありますが、血糖値改善で甘いものを極力控えるようにしているので諦めました。
Going to Yokohama Yokosuka highway through Zuyo Shindo (also highway).
Before getting on Zuyo Shindo, I had iced latte at Starbucks near entrance of Zuyo Shindo. All glassed wall, nice architecture.
There was ‘Marlowe Cafe’ which is famous for its pudding in beaker near Starbucks. It was attractive but now I have to save sweet foods in order to improve my blood sugar level – sigh.


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