画像のラジカセはソニーの名機といわれる「Studio 1980」です。 昔我が家にもあったような記憶があるのですが、別メーカーのものだったかも知れません。
ラジカセもさることながら、やはり当時身近で凝ったのがカセットテープでした。 この画像はもう涙モノで、高額だったメタルテープ以外はほぼ網羅したので当時の記憶がどんどん甦りますね。
When I stepped into the bookstore today, I found this magazine was on sale.
I have known this book “Showa 40-year-old man”, but the content of the feature was so core that I rarely bought it. (Showa is a name of Japanese era, Showa 40 years means the year of 1965.)
This issue was about 80’s boombox, cassette tape, walkman, mini-component, musical instrument, and everything that fits my favorites.
The radio cassette of the image is “Studio 1980” which is said to be a famous Sony machine. I recall that it was in my home, but it may have been from another manufacturer.
Aside from the boombox, the cassette tape was also what attracted my hobby mind. I was touched by this image, and I remember that used almost every type of TDK tapes (except metal tape that was a little expensive). My memory at that time steadily grows.

あれから30年以上がたちますが、その間ラジカセ数台→ミニコンポ数台と渡り歩き、現在私が使っているのはこのコンパクトなJBL Chargeです。 部屋が狭いこともありますが、メカにこだわるより音楽の流れる雰囲気を重視するようになりましたし、音源はスマホなので、このスピーカーで不足はありません。
I used some boombox and some mini components in the past over 30 years. Today I use JBL charge speaker.
This is good enough as my room is small, I am not absorbed in audio-mechanics so much but I prefer atmosphere that music is played.
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