My blood sugar level is not getting better. I try to avoid sweets as much as possible and eat five-grain rice instead of white rice, but my blood test the other day was not good, so I decided to try the supplement (without much hope.)

色々調べてみて、この「金の菊芋」サプリがよさそうだったので購入しました。 菊芋は、芋と名が付きながらキク科の植物なので、デンプンがふくまれておらず、イヌリンという成分が食後の血糖値上昇を抑えるのによいそうです。
I did a lot of research and found that this “Golden Jerusalem artichoke” supplement looked good, so I bought it. Jerusalem artichoke is a member of the Asteraceae family, so it does not contain starch, and the ingredient called inulin is said to be good for suppressing the rise in blood sugar after eating.
I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, but I’m going to give this a try for a while.
A bag contains 210 pieces, and the recommended dosage is 7 pieces per day, so each bag is good for one month. They can also be chewed and eaten. The taste is quite mild, but once you get used to it, it is quite tasty.
The price is about 3,600 yen per bag.
コメント 色々ご意見お待ちしています! (Your comment is always highly appreciated.)