先日ブックオフに行ったとき、この画集を見つけました。 笹倉鉄平は、90年代当時鈴木英人と同様に好きだった画家です。私は、鈴木英人またはこの方の画像をパソコンの壁紙にしていました。
この画集は私にとっては掘り出し物でした。 たまには古本屋に行ってみるのもいいですね。
When I went to Book-Off (retailer of used books) the other day, I found this art book. Teppei Sasakura was an artworker who I liked as much as Eijin Suzuki in the 90’s. I used the image of Eijin Suzuki or Teppei Sasakura as the wallpaper for my computer.
Eijin Suzuki mainly cut out American landscapes and made silkscreen prints. Teppei Sasakura has released his works full of romanticism by using various techniques such as oil paintings, watercolors, and acrylic paintings on European landscapes.
This art book was a good bargain for me. It is good to go to a used book retailer once in a while.

これは私が一番好きだった絵です。(This artwork is my favorite!)
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