私にとっては毎年秋の楽しみである枻出版社のライトニング別冊 The Real McCoy’s Bookが今年も出版されました。
Real McCoy’sはアメカジファンなら当然のように知っている、フライトジャケットをはじめとした復刻メーカーです。 実は2001年に一度倒産していて、大阪Nylonが後を引き継いで今に至ります。
そんなReal McCoy’sのカタログ本がこのReal McCoy’s Bookです。
Real McCoy’s Book 2020 was published this month, which I am looking forward to reading every year.
Real McCoy’s is a maker of reproduced products such as US flight jacket at the age of world war II. They went bankruptcy in 2001, thereafter Osaka Nylon (fashion products seller) has taken over its management.
Real McCoy’s before bankruptcy (formerly known as “old McCoy’s) analyzed even from a single thread and made a reproduced product with almost the same military specifications as that during the World War II. In order to verify it, their staff wore a jacket and actually tested it by flying on old planes, They did something that seemed very costly, so their products were very expensive.
Even after management has changed, the way of thinking about reproduction has not changed so much, and those who want the “real” products will consider them as leading manufacturers.
Real McCoy’s Book is a catalog book of their products. I also own some McCoy’s products, so I would like to introduce them in other articles.

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