九十九里へ走りに行ってきました。 今日は、首都高湾岸線~京葉道路~千葉東金道路のコースで、片道おおよそ120kmです。 千葉東金道路は、道路の両側が紅葉の林が続き、アメリカの道路を走っているような気分になります。往路は渋滞もなく、大変爽快に走ることができました。
I went to Kujukuri, riding motorcycle. Today, the course is from the Metropolitan Expressway Bayshore Line – Keiyo Road – Chiba Togane Road, which is approximately 120km one way from my home. Chiba Togane Road has autumnal forests on both sides of the road, it made me feel like I was driving on an American road. There was no traffic jam on the outbound route, and I was able to feel very refreshingly.
The return trip was in the evening, and there was heavy traffic from Chiba East to Anagawa. .. (Anagawa is a famous place for heavy traffic jams.)

お店の前を通る九十九里ビーチラインと名がついた県道30号線です。 今日はすいていましたが、夏はすごいんだろうなあ。
Prefectural road #30, named Kuju-kuri Beach Line. Traffic is not busy at all today, but I wonder that this road would be full with many cars in summer.

昼食を取ったあと、東金~山武を走り、「ふらんす屋」でオヤツです。15:00までしか開いていないので、1時間半程度の滞在となりました。 外の席で、紅葉もありいい眺めでした。チーズケーキとコーヒーを頂きました。
After having lunch, I headed for cafe ”France-ya” located at Sanmu. This cafe is closed on 15:00, so my stay was an hour and half. I took open-air seat, good view with yellow leaves. I had coffee and cheese cake.

帰りは渋滞にはまって結局家に帰りつくまで休憩を入れて3時間弱かかりましたが、大変いい日を過ごせました。ただ、、ふらんす屋の駐車場が砂利引きで、帰る時にバイクを押したらスタンドがめり込んでしまい、初めて立ちゴケしてしまいました。 まあしかし、これもバイクとのひと時のひとつです。 傷が多少できたくらいで大きなダメージでもないですし、特に修理はしないつもりです。
On the way home, I got stuck in traffic and it took almost 3 hours to get home, but I had a very good day today. However, the parking lot of the France-ya was gravel-paved, and when I pushed the motorcycle, motorcycle stand got stuck in and I faced sudden fall down of my motorcycle… this is the first time for me. This is also one of the moments with a motorcycle. It wasn’t a big damage, and I’m not going to repair it in particular.
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