Bike-jin (培倶人)というバイク乗りしか読まないであろう月刊誌があります。 今月1月号は、ライダースカフェの特集です。
There is a monthly magazine called “Bike-jin” that only bikers may read. (Bike-jin means people who enjoy their life with motorcycle.) Issue of this month has a special feature on riders’ cafes.
When I wasn’t riding a motorcycle, I didn’t pay attention to them, but it seems that there are still very few cafes where motorcyclists can casually enter. There may be problems with location, noise, and the image that motorcyclists have, but I’ve heard that more and more people are buying small motorcycles to commute to work for COVID, so it would be nice to see more cafes where such people can go.

- 1. Jack In The Box
- 自宅からさほど遠くない場所にこのカフェはあります。この雑誌で見るまで知りませんでした。 なので、12/26に訪問してみました。 場所としてはさほど住宅が密集していないところで、これならライダースカフェが問題なく運営できるのだろうと思いました。隣には洗車場もあります。
This café is located not too far from my home. I didn’t know about it until I saw it in this magazine. So, I visited it on December 26. The location is not too densely populated with houses, which would allow the Riders Cafe to operate without any problems. There is also a car wash next door.

2. Cafe Superracer
このカフェ、実は勤めている会社の近くにあって、たまに昼食をとることがあります。 平日は(多分スタッフか店長さんの)BMWが一台停まっているところしか見たことがありませんが、土日はライダーで賑わうようです。 ダブルスーパーレーサーバーガーが人気メニューですが、まだ食べたことはないです。
This cafe is actually located near the office which I work for, and I sometimes have lunch there. On weekdays, I have only seen one BMW parked there (probably the staff’s or the manager’s), but on weekends, it seems to be crowded with riders. The Double Super Racer Burger is a popular menu item, but I have yet to try it.

3. マックさんの家
「まだあったんだ」が正直な感想です。 昔京都に住んでおり、友人と何回か行ったことがありました。 ここに行くとマックさんの家のステッカーがもらえたんですね。 記事を読むと今でも同じようにもらえるようです。 そういえば、当時このステッカーを貼ったバイクや車が多くみられた気がします。 また行ってみたいなあ。
My honest impression is, “It is still there!”. I used to live in Kyoto and had been there several times with my friends. I could get a sticker of this cafe for free when I visited there. Reading the article, it seems that I can still get the same thing. I remember seeing a lot of motorcycles and cars with this sticker on them back then. I wish I could go back there again.

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