私はホワイツブーツを4足所有しています。 そのうち、ホースハイドで作られた1足をご紹介します。
4足とも、ABCマートに買収されるまでに、米国のとある靴専門のウェブサイトで購入しました。 価格は国内価格の70%ほどだったかと思います。国内で買うのは高すぎますね。
I own 4 white’s boots. This is a pair of boots made of horsehide.
White’s is the oldest boots maker in the US. They keep manufacturing boots with stitch-down process, and they are known as traditional boots maker.
In 2014, I heard that ABC Mart (Japanese shoes seller) acquired White’s, and it came up to my mind that ABC would force White’s to make low-cost/low-quality shoes for mass selling. But so far there is no symptom of such uncomfortable situation.
I bought all of my boots before they were acquired by ABC, via website of US shoes seller. I remember that cost of buying a pair of boots was nearly 70% of Japan domestic price. Buying White’s boots in Japan costs so high!
It is great that I have not ever got a blister on my foot.

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