以前購入した布マスクは、手軽に使える反面、この季節になると暑苦しくなります。 なので、ナイロン製のものを新たに購入しました。
The cloth mask I bought before, while easy to use, becomes too hot and uncomfortable in this season. So I bought a new one made of nylon.
KEENのマスクは人気で、昨年は買うことができませんでしたが、今はスポーツショップで普通に買うことができます。これはSports Authorityで購入しました。 他にも、Adidas、ミズノ、ヨネックスといったスポーツブランドのマスクが売られています。これらも昨年は販売されるそばから売り切れていたので、今年はだいぶ供給がこなれてきた感じです。
KEEN masks were so popular, so I could not buy them last year. But now I can buy them easily at sports stores. I bought this one at Sports Authority. Other sports brands such as Adidas, Mizuno, and Yonex also sell their masks. Last year, these masks were sold out before they even went on sale, so this year, the supply seems to have become much more reasonable.

It was about 1,500 yen for a pack of two. This mask shrinks a bit when washed, but not so much that you have to worry about it getting smaller. This time I chose tie-dye design. My head circumference is about 60 cm, which is a bit large, but I can wear this mask without any problem because the length of the ear straps is adjustable.
2. Official Performance Mask
Officialのマスクも同様に昨年は入手が難しかったのですが、現在はネットでも通常通り購入できます。 このマスクは3層構造で、インナーは竹繊維とマイクロファイバーのブレンド生地、インナーはポリプロピレン不織布で医療用マスクと同等の紡績生地、アウターはポリエステルとスパンデックスの生地です。
Official masks were similarly difficult to obtain last year, but are now available online as usual. This mask has a three-layer construction: the inner is a blend of bamboo fiber and microfiber fabric, the inner is a non-woven polypropylene spun fabric equivalent to medical masks, and the outer is a polyester and spandex fabric.

This mask is not small by any means, but the ear straps are not as elastic as I thought they would be, so it is a bit difficult to wear. Also, the weave of the ear straps is not as good as it should be, and there are some loose ends.

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