I went to IKEA for shopping with family last week. My daughter hoped to buy some small goods, and I felt that I wanted to buy some good sofa.

I have not been here for so so a long time.
IKEAは広いので一通り見るのにかなり時間がかかります。 ソファもある程度希望に合うものがあったので購入しました。 その後昼食です。 これで3000円くらいです。
IKEA is so wide and takes several hours to go round for checking goods sold there. I could find a sofa that matched my taste.
Then we had lunch, about 3,000 yen for the shown volume.

購入したソファはNorsborgというモデルで、幅が1.2mほどです。 我が家はソファを置ける場所が限られていて、なおかつ幅がとれないので、このモデルにしました。 支払いを済ませると、自分で倉庫に商品を取りに行き、配送を依頼します。
I bought a sofa named Norsborg, whose width is 1200mm. Living room of my hose is small and area to set the sofa is limited with narrow width. This sofa matches the condition.
After cashing, I went to warehouse to pull out the sofa, then request delivery to my house.

新しいソファを買ったので、これまでソファとして2脚で使用していた椅子を、一つは義父へ、もう一つは自分の部屋へ入れました。 以前記事を書いたラフマチェアは、娘が使います。
I bought a new sofa, so a pair of relaxing chairs used as sofa in the living room – one was given to my father-in-law, and the other was set in my room. Lafuma chair which I introduced in this blog before is used by my daughter.
And, I have an old round chair which looks to be over 60 years old – it will be used as coffee table.

Round chair over 60 years old – to be used as coffee table.

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