私はリアルタイムで見ていた世代です。 当時はこれからバブル経済へ向かおうとしていた時代で、世の中が色々と軽くオシャレになっていく雰囲気でした。 それまでの刑事ドラマはシリアスで、出演者の殉職もお約束でしたが、あぶない刑事では「ハードボイルド、スタイリッシュ、ファッショナブル」を軸にしたことと、やはり主演が男も憧れる舘ひろしさん、柴田恭兵さんの二人であったことがここまで人気を博したのだろうと思います。
正直なところ、映画3作目の「もっともあぶない刑事」まではテレビシリーズの流れを汲んでいましたが、それ以降7作目の「まだまだあぶない刑事」までは奇天烈になりすぎた感があり、またシリアスさよりもコメディーに傾いたので、4作目以降は映画として見ませんでした。 しかし、2016年の最終作である「さらばあぶない刑事」の制作にあたって、舘ひろしさんが「原点回帰したい」と要望されたとのことです。
Since the TV series aired in October 1986, a total of 76 episodes, one TV special, and seven movies have been produced, making it one of the most popular detective dramas of the 1980s. 36 years later, it still has many fans, although “Saraba Abunai Deka” in 2016 was the last episode.
(It is said to be the world’s most produced detective film series with the same cast, surpassing “Die Hard” with six and “Dirty Harry” with five.)
I am of the generation that watched it in real time. At that time, entire Japan was about to enter the bubble economy, and the atmosphere was light and fashionable. Up to that time, detective dramas were serious and the martyrdom of the actors was a kind of routine, but Abunai Deka was based on the concept of “hard-boiled, stylish, and fashionable,” and the two main actors, Hiroshi Tachi and Kyohei Shibata, who were admired even by men, probably contributed to its popularity.
To be honest, the third movie, “Mottomo Abunai Deka” followed the trend of the TV series, but after that, to the seventh movie “Madamada Abunai Deka”, all movies were too bizarre and leaned more towards comedy than seriousness, so I didn’t watch it as a movie after the fourth movie. However, for the production of the final film, “Saraba Abunai Deka” in 2016, Hiroshi Tachi requested that the film would need to be returned to its root concept.
This time, I happened to want to watch all the movies again, so I got all TV series and movies on DVD.

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